Communication & Podcast Resources for Nonprofits

Why your nonprofit needs a Mission Showcase Audio Show

Many nonprofits create a case for support at some point in time. This written document illustrates what your organization does, the problem it is trying to solve, and why donors should support your work, as well as what kind of support you need. But instead of asking supporters to read it, why not bring your work to life using the power of sound? Learn more about an Audio Case for Support.

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How To Tell a Quick Story in Your Year-End Fundraising Letter

Telling stories is the fastest way to take your mission from abstract idea to concrete action in the minds of your supporters. For a year-end fundraising appeal letter or email, your stories will need to be brief. There’s a simple formula you can use to create your story for your year-end appeal letter (or email).

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A surprisingly simple way to thank your customers (or donors)

Small businesses and especially nonprofits should take a page out of Madeline’s book and remember that a heartfelt thanks from a real person goes a long way. So often these personal touches are reserved only for the big spenders, and that’s a mistake. Take the time to give genuine thanks to the people who support you. All of them, even the ones that make one small purchase or donation. They matter, and they’ll come back.

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