Why your nonprofit needs a Mission Showcase Audio Show

An Audio Case for Support is a new way to share your mission with supporters.

Imagine: You are talking to someone at an event and telling them about the work you do — about your mission that is doing wonders for the people you serve. This person is intrigued, because they care about the same things you care about. They want to know about your programs, and they may even want to support you. They have a lot of questions and want to know more.

Instead of reaching into your bag and handing them a factsheet or telling them that you’ll follow up via email, you ask if you can share a link with them. You have a great podcast that explains exactly what your organization does, and you think they might like to hear it. It’s a great way to really get a sense of the work you are doing.

 You say, "Here, when you have a spare 15 minutes, listen to our Mission Message. You can listen on your way home, or next time you are out running errands.”

The next day, your new donor calls you and says, "Wow. I want to become a supporter of your nonprofit. How do I do that?"

That's the power of audio and podcasts.

There's a misconception that podcasts need to be ongoing, or that you need a bunch of shows to make it worthwhile. In fact, even a single show can be a tool for your fundraisers to help your donors connect to your mission.

What is a Mission Showcase?

Many nonprofits create a case for support at some point in time. This written document illustrates what your organization does, the problem it is trying to solve, and why donors should support your work, as well as what kind of support you need.

This is all great information for a donor to read, but why not bring it to life through the power of audio?

Enter an audio case for support, or Mission Showcase. It’s a single podcast episode that explains a nonprofit's "why" in a way that engages prospects in the story of the nonprofit. It allows them to hear the voices of the people helping make the vision a reality, as well as those the mission supports. It gives them the opportunity to be immersed in the world you are so passionate about.

Listen to an example of a Mission Showcase

Bring your Case for Support alive through sound

Instead of having your prospects and donors read about your programs, let them experience it. Bring them right into the action. Show them what it feels like to make the difference you are making through incredible sounds that paint a picture of your projects and programs in the mind of your listener. Use it as you would your printed Case for Support, or better yet, provide the link or a QR code within your printed document so they can go listen as well as read.

Your Mission Showcase (the audio version of your Case for Support) can be a stand alone show or the beginning of a series for the future. However you choose to use it, it's a valuable tool for communicators and fundraisers to share with donors and prospects to educate them and motivate them to give in a new way.

What a Mission Showcase can do

Here’s what you can accomplish with your Mission Showcase:

  • share the voices of the people carrying out your mission

  • help listeners understand programs by visualizing them

  • share inspiring stories from those your organization supports

  • provide social proof by sharing voices of donors

  • let the listener feel more connected to your organization and staff due to the intimate nature of audio

  • learn more about the vision and the why behind your organization

  • better understand the problems you are trying to solve

  • reach potential donors when they have space in their day and are looking for something to listen to

Audio is powerful. It can create worlds in people's minds and help them feel as if they are a part of what they are hearing. Done well, audio can take your supporters right into your programs or projects and build a greater understanding of what you do. That understanding can lead to more support for your work.

With its ability to transport and create emotions in the listener, why not utilize the podcast medium for one of your most fundamental communications to donors?

Have questions about a Mission Showcase?

If this sounds like something you might be interested in, or if you have more questions, I’d love to hear from you.


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Photo at top by Adrien Olichon on Unsplash



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